The Leader's Toolbox

A Leader's Ego; Evolve your ego enhance your life!

May 05, 2020 Andre Young Season 1 Episode 1

The EGO… one of the most powerful little words of all time; the presence of it has started wars, while the absence of it has made men and women permanent icons of influence! Before we get into how it can hurt your leadership, your relationships, and your life; it’s only fair to pay the ego its proper respect. There are positives and negatives to everything… the positive is ego allows leaders to seek knowledge, growth, power, and the skills necessary to attain their dreams. It seems everyone could benefit from having an ego that makes them hungry to be their best selves and make the biggest impact! The negative side is when a leader is self-fulfilling, ruthless, and views the rise of others as a threat to themselves. So, whether you’re in a professional position of leadership or a leader of your personal life, how do you manage your ego to the benefit of you and the benefit of your organization, team, and others?